Meet The Team
Courtney Morey
Hopefully you will see my “why” in every bit of this website.
Launching a foundation, especially one centered around medical and health is a future I could have never seen coming in motherhood. That is the beautiful thing about being Annie’s mom. She has opened doors, knocked down walls and set us on paths we didn’t think were possible. We didn’t expect her and now we see all kinds of expectations changing and rising. What it all comes down to is I love my daughter. Love makes you do crazy things and the love for your child, especially one the majority of society sees as less worthy, might make you do even crazier and bigger things.
I truly feel lead by Lukes words that say “from everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked” I have been provided an education, my family, my faith, a solid group of friends and many other support systems that equip me to see this through.
You will find pieces of Annie’s story shared in each of the resource tabs, broken up by the specialists we saw and her experiences with them.
Katie Senter
When I first got Louise’s diagnosis at twenty weeks and even through her first few tumultuous months of life, I remember asking God why he would create Louise the way He did. Why would He allow such an innocent life to be saddled with such heavy medical burdens? Even though I firmly believed that He creates everything perfectly, my mind was having a hard time reconciling what I knew to be true in my heart.
The first 18 months of Louise’s life were an absolute roller coaster – physically (in and out of the hospital) and emotionally (is she going to be okay?). I would be lying if I told you I wasn’t wracked with fear of her death at every moment. I felt alone and depressed, in spite of the myriad of supportive existing friends and family. But then I met Courtney and Annie – who had been on a similar journey-- and something happened. Life didn’t seem so scary anymore. I had friends I could talk to that would really and truly understand what I was feeling and what Louise was going through, and suddenly I didn’t feel so isolated anymore. I had community that understood both the medical, the practical and the emotional, because they were walking it too. And it brought me joy and hope like I could never have imagined. And though I never doubted the value of Louise’s life, I had underestimated the impact her little (and possibly short) life could have on others.
So our “why” for being a part of the Annie Louise Foundation is because we have seen first hand the blessing of a community like ours, and it is our life’s mission to bring that love, joy, and hope to other families on a similar journey.
They’ve battled multiple diagnoses, open heart surgeries, and logged months in ICUs. Medical professionals told each of us our girls would not survive. Today, they’re not only surviving, but thriving. As their parents, we were first thrust into the challenge of understanding the medical world while in the hospital and THEN sent home with fewer than desirable resources for how to parent our medically fragile children. Faced with navigating the healthcare system and coordinating the care for our complex girls without a roadmap was a daunting task, and so the Annie Louise Foundation was born out of the desire to provide a consolidated hub for these much sought after but often hard to find resources for other medical parents.
-Courtney & Katie
We are the moms of two little girls who are nothing short of miracles.
Rachel Stegall, Intern
Rachel Stegall is studying graphic design at TCU and in her final year of the program, set to graduate in May 2024. We are very fortunate to have her as she brings many skills to the table including design, photography, and social media management.
“I am very blessed to have the opportunity to work with this foundation and its lovely founders. I find great purpose in serving others by making their own creative ambitions into a reality. This internship will allow me to assist in telling their stories in a way that is thoughtful and unique and I look forward to growing my experiences alongside this new organization!”