Mission & Vision
Our Mission
The mission of the Annie Louise Foundation is to empower families by making resources readily available and accessible to bridge the gap between the medical world and parenting.
Our mission was structured to be intentionally broad to allow the greatest opportunities for the most children.
Each word of our statement was carefully chosen to ensure the foundation withstands time and is inclusive of many diagnoses and needs.
Live A Kind & Inclusive Life.
Live A Kind & Inclusive Life.
As parents and caretakers, we are our children’s voices and decision makers and play a pivotal role in their health and well-being. It is vital that families are supported not only practically, but emotionally as well. When we are empowered and equipped our children in turn benefit. Finding a community of fellow families walking a similar path is not just a nice add on, it can be radically beneficial to mental and physical health, changing the trajectory of our families’ well being.
What we have found is that even when useful resources do exist they are often difficult to locate as well as scattered and separated. Other times, a resource does not exist and therefore needs to be created- this is our focus.
The intention of this website is to house as many credible and applicable resources as possible: to be an invaluable information hub for families.
Bridging the Gap:
The medical world has its own language, its own routines, its own everything. This can be very overwhelming when thrown in suddenly and unexpectedly with your child.
The hope is that everything this foundation offers allows you as a caretaker to: better engage in dialogue, present more questions to be considered, and to pull yourself up a seat at the table to be your child’s best advocate.
ALF exists to come alongside medical and disability families experiencing any number of diagnoses to serve as a resource hub meant to conserve parents' limited time and energy. These resources exist as blogs, videos, testimonies, and external links to outside sources –this is everything we wish we had had at the beginning of our journey!
& How We Will Do It
Our Vision
The foundation will also support a number of projects that meets tangible needs including:
Gifting adaptive onesies that accommodate IV’s and other life-support to children all over the country during hospital stays
Gifting keepsake hand & footprints to babies at birth or during critical hospital stays
Funding oral feeding therapy for children who have become solely dependent on feeding tubes due to lack of specialized support
Supporting research in the understudied diagnosis of pulmonary hypertension
Funding open heart surgeries for refugee children *with disabilities who are considered less worthy of surgery and life
Providing respite care to families for a weekend stay at Ducky’s Place- a newly renovated cabin owned by a family of a child with a disability