Empowering Families
by making resources readily available and accessible to bridge the gap between the medical world and parenting
Hip, Hip, Hooray!
We’re so happy you’ve come to visit our little corner of the world wide web. We have built this website and foundation to be a place where you feel seen, find community and most importantly have access to resources to help you be the best medical parent you can be.
The resources we plan to share will continue to roll out after our September launch so please continue to check in and share your email with us, if you would like real time updates!
Brantley Family Fund In Honor of Avery Brantley
Help Jacob Parker Get His Treatment!
Help Jacob Parker Get His Treatment!
Thank you for supporting this deserving family!
Jacob has worked and worked to reach milestones that most never have to think about. His parents have also gone above and beyond advocating for the very best for him and Annie Louise Foundation stands beside Jennifer and Andy to get this treatment funded.

The work of this website is dedicated to all of the mothers who held me up during our hardest days, who passed along valuable first hand experiences and precious pieces of information, and to those who advocated long before we came to pave the way for the work we will do now.
-Courtney Morey
Dear Supporters Of Annie Louise Foundation
We kindly ask that you join us as we continue to celebrate the beautiful life of Katharine Louise Senter VII.
Louise will always be woven in the “why” of our foundation and we would not be where we are without her perfectly purposeful life.
We are most grateful that Louise was able to enjoy so many beautiful days with Katie and Randal at home and traveling to see family before leaving us and was not constrained to a hospital. Her loss was quite unexpected, even to her physicians, and ultimately it was her heart losing strength that caused her passing. We ask that you pray over their family as they take this time to grieve and navigate life without Louise.
Thank you to those who have given gifts in Louise’s name. We are tucking those funds away for now and allowing Katie time to think and feel what will be the most beautiful way to honor her memory in the future.
Shop With A Purpose!
Shop With A Purpose!
From products that saved us, to companies that care, we’ve got a list of everything from soap that suds up happiness, to books for you and your kiddo to cuddle up with and learn more about being inclusive.
It Takes A Village
Annie Louise Foundation is a true Non Profit, 501c Organization.
To make our mission work, we rely solely on our supporters.
From sending Adaptive Onesies to children in the hospital, to funding medical bills to children across the world we exist to make a difference for families like ours.
There’s A Blog For That!
The blog will be a primary way we pass along information that only moms can know and pass along. From constipation relief smoothies that work, to supporting families going through hospital stays, to mom orchestrated summer camps, it will all be here! Sign up for our emails to read them as they roll out week by week!.